Thursday, September 16, 2010


What is the single largest item in your house?
- in my house? freezer kot

How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand?
- not so well.. but still can read it

What color is your bedroom?
- white and pink

What type of computer mouse do you use?
- hp

What is your earliest memory?
- hmm.. I sleep in a baby crib

Have you ever jumped off of a high dive?
- no

Do you take vitamins?
- no

When did you first become interested in sex?
- hahaha~ u tell me~ wewit~

Do you like to color inside the lines?
- yes

What do you have set as your home page?
- google

Do you have your own radio?
- no

Where would you hate to have to work?
- ironing

Who is on your speed dial?
- babah, mama, angah, along, hannah,jannah, sue..yang lain nda ampit..haha

Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles?
- lightbulbs.. dun play with fire so often..

How much money did you spend today?
- mmm..none'

What are you sitting on right now?
- floor

Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces?
- yes..hehe

Would you ever get plastic surgery?
- no..i have issues with needles and knifes and sharp things.. hehe

Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid?
- no.. prohibited from doing it!

How big is your bed?
- single size

Do you like the smell of axe?
- haa? no..

What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers?
- we dun have it in brunei.. we only have the REAL lifesavers!! haha!!

Have you ever seen a volcano?
- yes

What is the best halloween costume you have ever worn?
- dun celebrate halloween

What kind of soap do you use?
- gel

Can you snowboard?
- no

How many icons do you have on your dekstop?
- mm..many

What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time?
100,000... rupiah..

Do you understand how telephones work?
- yes

Do you write notes on your body?
- no

What is the prominent color in your closet?
- pink..hehe

What is sitting next to you right now?
- nothing

Do you believe in lots of conspiracies?
- yes

Do you own any really old video game systems?
- is PS1 considered as old? haha

Are you good at baking?
- no

Have you ever made your own clothing?
- no

How many doors does your house have?
- mls kira

Do you prefer tootsie pops or blow pops?
- aaaa?

Do you sneak into movie theatres?
- no

Are you a really fast text messager?
- nop

Do you have anything you keep on you 24/7?
- necklace

What was your first job?
- as a baby

Do you prefer crushed ice or cubed?
- crushed

What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen?
- flowery~

Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone?
- no

Do you believe that animals have souls?
- yes

What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
- ada bf?

Do you have a lava lamp or a black light?
- nop

Do you find yourself not having enough electrical outlets?
- yes..

What is the longest you can wait patiently?
- sejam

Have you ever been under anesthesia?
- yes

Are your fingernails long or short?
- short

Are you afraid of bright colors?
- no.. i love it

Has anyone ever accused you of being gay?
- yes.. haha~

Can you tell people honest things to their face?
- no...depends

Would you rather eat grits or oatmeal?
- oatmeal

Do you own a kite?
- nop

Have you ever run down and up escalator or vice versa?
-run down and up escalator

What do you think of clothing for pets?
- dun do that!

Do you tend to want things you cannot have?
- yes

Is it true that you can be anything you want to be?
- if there's a will there's a way

Were your parents honest to you about serious things when you were little?
- some

Would you ever dye your hair purple?
- yes..i want to try it

Who do you think should play you in a movie?
- errr...

Would you ever kill someone?
- yes..

Do you prefer stripes or polka dots?
- stripes.. polka dots make me dizzy

Do you dot your is and cross your ts?
- cross

Are you double jointed in any way?
- no

What kind of super power do you wish you had?
- heartless..haha

Are you easily offended?
- yes..i am

How often do you watch the news?
- not so often

Do you have nightmares very much?
- not much

Which power ranger was your favorite?
- pink!

Did the movie Jaws ever scare you?
- yes

Have you ever cried to get away with something?
- yes

What do you think of feminists?
- yes

Are you friends with anyone famous?
- no

Do you lack common sense sometimes?
- yes..sometimes..hehe

Are you afraid of snakes?
- yes

Do you use recycle bins at your house?
- no

How hot do you like the water in your shower?
- normal temperature.. not so hot sot so cold

Do you ever walk around your house naked?
- no

What is your favorite art form?
- none

Do you want to be bilingual?
- yes... in fact jgn bi je.. byk lg la

Is energy wasted on little kids?
- yes.. wasted in a good way.. they make u happy..

Do you lie to make people feel better?
- yes

How many times a day do you look at the clock?
- selalu

Do you like to organize things?
- sometimes

Are you going to have smile lines or frown lines when youre older?
- both?

Do you floss your teeth every day?
- nop

Do you like the game red rover?
- no

Which is better, thick crust or thin?
- thin

How good are you at keeping secrets?
- so good maybe

What stupid little thing really stresses you out?
- school

Can you remember what you wore yesterday?
- yes..

Which Disney parks have you been to?
- never

What do you think the drinking age should be?
- 20

Do you like to wear socks?
- so so

What is the last cartoon you watched?
- sponge bob

What does your bed comforter look like?
- look so blue

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