What is your sign?
- Aquarius
What is your birthstone?
- Amethyst
What is your relationship status?
Are you tan?
- no
What is your favorite part of your body?
- eyes
What are you most insecure about?
- my feet
Do you have a big or small purse?
- big
How often do you switch purses?
- not so often
Does your purse have to match your shoes?
- no
One thing you know that you wish you knew 5 years ago?
-how to be bad girl..
One food you simply cannot resist?
- Butter Milk Chicken
The movie you can watch over & over again is?
- I'm a legend..
Can you have a good relationship without sex?
- fcuk
I don't feel sexy unless I have?
- heart.. HAHA
The worst pick up line ever is?
- Hi, awak ni mcm org yg saya kenal..
The song I sing along with the most is?
- none
On a random Saturday, I can be found?
- at home
Do you get jealous easily?
Do you like romance?
- NO!
Do you eat healthy and work out?
- NO!
You would never leave the house without?
- Baju
What is the best feeling ever?
- masa tdo.. x pkir pape
What are you scared of?
- future
Do you pluck or wax your eyebrows?
- pluck
Whats your favorite store?
- mana2 je
Whats your favorite catalog?
Whats your favorite online store?
- none
Whats your favorite shoe brand?
- apa2 je
Whats your favorite shirt brand?
- manaja
Whats your favorite jewelry brand?
- manaja
Whats your favorite pants brand?
- manaja
And all around brand?
- ntah
Do you like someone right now?
- no
If so, Why do you like them?
- i dun like anyone
What is the most attractive thing about a guy?
- ntah
What is the most unattractive thing about a guy?
- ntah
Is it worse to cheat on someone or be cheated on?
- both
Have you ever been cheated on?
- yup
Have you ever cheated?
- yes
Is it possible to be friends with an ex?
- no idea
What is the best relationship advice that was given to you?
- kalau org dh x suka, just let her/him go.
What is the longest relationship you've had?
- ntah
You know a guy is perfect for you when:
- ?
Have you ever been in love?
- yes
Are you a virgin?
- what do u think?
Have You Ever...
been rock climbing?
been surfing?
- no
slept in a tent?
- no
gone on a road trip?
- yes
been in a car accident?
- yes
did something you regret?
- yes
been drunk?
- no
been high?
- no
smoked a ciggy?
- no
done drugs?
had sex?
- no
been to a zoo?
- yes
been to mexico?
- no
been to europe?
- no
met someone famous?
- yes
touched an exotic animal?
- yes
kissed a member of the same sex?
- kiss pp
kissed a monkey?
- no
rode a horse?
- no
rode a pony?
rode an elephant?
- no
been to a concert?
- yes
been in a parade?
- yes
had a pet dog?
- no
pet cat?
- yes
pet reptile?
- no
pet bird?
- no
pet fish?
- yes
been scuba diving?
- no
been bridge jumping?
- no
been cliff jumping?
- no.. but i wan to
been bungee jumping?
been sky diving?
- no
been on a plane?
- yes
been suspended from school?
- no
failed a class?
- no
been to summer school?
- no
been to court?
- yes
been arrested?
- no
been in a cop car?
- no
had cops at your house?
- no
been backstabbed?
- yes
backstabbed someone else?
- yes
had a baby?
- no
cried yourself to sleep?
- yes
moved away?
- no
moved to a different town?
- no
been to a therapist?
- no.. but i need one
felt like you were alone?
- yes
This or That
AE or Hollister?
- ?
Skirts Or Pants?
- pants
Socks or Leggings?
- socks
Hoodies or Jackets?
- hoodies
Heels or Sneakers?
- heels
Straight or Curly Hair?
- straight
Hoop or Dangling Earings?
- hoop
Side Bangs or Straight Length?
- side bangs
Fav. Color?
- pink
Victoria's Secret or Bath & Body?
- VS
Eyeliner or Mascara?
- Eyeliner
Smoothies or Lattes?
- smoothies
Diet or Regular Soda?
- regular
Water or Gatorade?
- water
Pearls or Diamonds?
- diamond
Marykate or Ashley Olsen?
- neither
Ipod or Cell?
- ipod.. i dun need cell
Cell or Internet?
- internet
Facebook or SocialSplash.com?
- fb
Friends or Family?
- family
Lipgloss or Chapstick?
- lipgloss
Manicure or Pedicure?
- mani
Love or Peace?
- peace
Sunglasses or Purses?
- sunglasses
1 peice or Bikini?
- bikini
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