Saturday, August 28, 2010
Babah and Mama
Babah.. I love you.
I promise myself not to cry for u anymore..
I will let my anger killing me...
Friday, August 27, 2010
It's my blog and I can say whatever I want!!
1:// What age would you like to get married?
- i've been thinking,, dun wanna get married
2:// How would you want to die?
- die in peace
3:// Sunrise or Sunset?
4:// When has destiny worked for you?
- no idea
5:// What do you protest against?
- kena biarkan mcm ni...
6:// When is the last time you smelled a rose?
- ntah..bila
7:// Ice Cream: cone or cup?
- cone
8:// What is a must-have in your bag (other than your wallet)?
- ipod
9:// I am anti- __________
- hmmmmm...
10:// Who was the last person you said goodbye to?
- baby
11:// Have you or would you ever enter a strip bar?
- Sure, why not?
12:// What insect do you like?
- butterfly
13:// What is your obsession?
- nothing
14:// What disgusts you?
- this feeling
15:// How do you let out stress?
- listen to the music
16:// Do you regret anything?
- I regret a lot of things and i think i'm going to regret one thing soon.
17:// What is the worst thing someone has done to you?
- tanya org tu
18:// Sadist or Masochist?
- ?
19:// After watching a movie do you stay to see the credits?
- no
20:// Would you die for love?
- i doubt it
21:// What kind of person do you not like?
- that person
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tonight I am so not in a mood.
Today was a normal kind of day.
Our weather was hot this morning.
My favorite time of day is 12++pm(it's usually lunch time..)
The last thing I do before I go to bed at night is chatting with him or kalau x chat just golek2 on the bed.
I wish that I could go to see him.
Pair of shoes? - My flats
Jacket? - xde yang specific fav sgt
Scarf?- nnnnnn....
Way to do your hair? - just comb it straight
TV show? - korean variety show
Actor? - will smith..haha
Actor over 50?- noo ideaa...
Actress?- hmmmm....
Actress younger than 20?- miley cyrus
Animal?- cat
Shampoo brand?- sunsilk
Toothpaste?- colgate
Place to buy clothes?- anywer
Place to buy cheap stuff?- mmm.....
Place to get icecream?- kedai runcit
Store to buy groceries?- hua ho
Halloween costume?- none
Childhood memory?- all
College?- UBD
Grade? -elementary school
Class in high school?- BREAK
Do you go to church?- no
Do you pray?- yes
Do you wear contacts or glasses?- contacts
Who is your favorite reality TV star?- a lot
What is your favorite reality TV show?- a lot
Do you color your hair?- yes
How often do you wear makeup?- not too often
Describe yourself in three words. - crybaby, sensitive, chocolate lover
Describe your best friend.- crazy, understanding, annoying
What is your favorite thing to wear? - Ts and jeans
Do you wear jewelry? - necklace
What car would you love to buy if you could afford it? - ferrari..wahhh~
done: 01.20am
neno neno neno~
- 00:18am
- can't sleep.
- no mood.
- missing someone.
- hungry.
- thirsty.
- tummy ache.
- negative thinking.
- try to get rid of it.
- drawing someone.
- bored.
- *sigh*
- i love u.
- i miss u.
- happy fasting.
- dun forget to take ur gastric medicine.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010